"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
As soon as I read this I thought, "Wow, God sure does know when to speak at the right time."
I guess I could say one of my flaws is worrying about the future. I have a tendency to worry about what my future holds in many areas of my life.
These verses were exactly what I needed to hear. The passage starts with this, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,..."
This is what my focus needs to be. Instead of worrying about what the future holds, I need to be focused on seeking his kingdom and his righteousness. If I focus on seeking these two things, then God will direct me in the way he wants me to go. There is nothing to worry about when we are 100%, fully seeking Christ. If we constantly seek him and strive to serve him, then there is nothing to fear, because we are walking in the way he has for us.
The second part to verse 33 says this, "...and all these things will be given to you as well." This doesn't mean we will get that $80 pair of jeans we've been wanting, or that car that just went on sale. When we FULLY seek Christ, we lose sight of what's not important (our wants), and we begin to gain perspective on what really matters. And I believe what really matters is allowing God to work in and through us to share Christ's love with those around us, and to glorify Him in all we do. God will supply us with what we need to fully serve him (not what we want).
Verse 34 is a great reminder to focus on the present. There is nothing we can do by worrying. When we worry, all we do is build up stress and anxiety which we definitely don't need. If we focus on living for Christ in the present, then God will take care of our future.
I'm constantly reminded that God is in control. He always shows his power and love at just the right time.