Recently, I finished reading the book, Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper. WOW! What a powerful book! There are many things that Piper says that may seem "radical" or "ridiculous" to most people. But, everything he says is Bible based.
When I went to the Passion Conference I became a fan of the Christian rap artist, Lecrae. Many people might think, "Christian rap artist? Really? That's ridiculous." But before you go bash Chrstian rap, I would highly encourage you to listen to Lecrae's lyrics. His Spirit inspired music is filled with scripture and truth. There are so many songs that I think, "YES! That's what it's about!"
There are many leaders in the Christian church who I think really get it. One of the common themes I have seen is suffering and surrendering to Christ. A few of the people that have great things to say about these topics are John Piper, Francis Chan, David Platt, Louie Giglio, and Lecrae.
The Bible is very clear in what we are to do as believers and followers of Christ. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus tells the disciples what they are to do. Keep in mind these are Jesus' last instructions to the disciples. (Must be pretty important if this is what Jesus wanted them to remember)... "Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'"
This passage is known as the Great Commission. Every time I read this I think, "Kyle, have you obeyed these instructions? Are you making disciples? Are you letting others know about the hope, freedom, peace, joy, and most importantly, love, found in Jesus Christ our Savior?" We are placed on this earth for one reason, and one reason only. That is to glorify God in all we do, and let others know about his love and mercy. I agree with the Christian leaders I mentioned above. As Christians, we have lost sight of what it means to be a follower of Christ. We have become too wrapped up in the busyness of life and it seems like we just go through the motions. Unfortunately, I feel Christianity has become something we do on Sundays, instead of a relationship we have with our LORD every second of every day.
Lecrae says it perfectly in his song, "Go Hard"... "Aw mayne we ain't focused on the war we just kickin it. Worried bout our image and our space up on the internet."
I'm afraid Lecrae is right. And I know I'm guilty. We aren't focused on the war (spiritual war). We aren't focused on making disciples. We are self-absorbed. John Piper would refer to this self-centered living as a wasted life.
Chapter five of Piper's book, Don't Waste Your Life is titled, "Risk is Right - Better to Lose Your Life Than to Waste It". In this chapter he talks about risking our lives for the sake of Christ. On page 85 Piper references what Paul said in Acts 20:23, "I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me." Paul knew that his work for Christ would bring about persecution.
Paul was not afraid to risk his life for the sake of Christ. In Philippians 1:21, Paul says this, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Paul had no fear of suffering so Christ might be known among more people. People wanted to literally kill Paul for preaching Christ's name. Paul didn't care. He obediently followed where the LORD led him, even if he might be killed.
Many of you might disagree with me or say I'm crazy, but I believe we are still called to this type of living today. As Christians, we have become too comfortable. We sing songs with words like, "Jesus, I believe in You and I would go, to the ends of the earth, to the ends of the earth." (To The Ends Of The Earth by Hillsong United). And other songs like, "My whole life is Yours. I give it all. Surrendered to Your name. And forever I will pray, have Your way, have Your way." (Arms Open Wide by Hillsong United).
We sing these lyrics, but do we really mean them? Would we really go to the ends of the earth for Christ if we felt called to? Do we really wish that Christ would have his way in us? Would we really give up everything to go serve Christ on the other side of the globe, even if we knew it would cost us our life?
Why are we scared to suffer for being a Christian? When we open up the Bible it is clear that we will be persecuted for being followers of Christ. In 1 Peter, Paul addresses the scattered and persecuted church. In 1 Peter 4:12 he says this, "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you." In Piper's book, Piper also referenced John 15:20. In this verse, Jesus says this, "Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also." I think the verse speaks for itself. We will be persecuted for being Christians. Why then are we surprised when people make fun of us for being Christians? Or why are we surprised when people physically hurt or murder Christians? (Not really seen in America, more in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia) We should know this is part of following Christ. Persecution for serving Christ is not something to run from, but something to rejoice in (1 Peter 4:13-14).
There is someone who I recently have come to admire and respect a lot, more than I ever have before. I'll be honest, I used to think she was crazy for placing herself in situations where she could very easily get sick from poor living conditions, or get killed by those who are strongly opposed to Christianity. My cousin, Jennie, is one of the most fearless, faithful Christians I know. She is one of the most happy, joyful persons I know too.
Jennie spent most of her childhood as a missionary in Mozambique, Africa with her family. They came back to the States and Jennie went off to college. After she graduated from college, Jennie felt called to serve in Yei, Sudan at an orphanage. A lot of us wondered why she would want to place herself in such a dangerous situation. Jennie didn't care though. She knew God was calling her to reach out to these kids who needed to be loved.
Jennie has definitely experienced what it means to follow Christ no matter what the cost. Many times she has been sick; illnesses she wouldn't have had, had she been in the States. Some of these illnesses have placed her in the hospital for many days. Once again, Jennie didn't care. Yes, I'm sure she wished she had never gotten sick, but she had an amazing attitude about it! She knew God wanted her in Sudan, and nothing was going to stop her from serving Christ.
The most we have ever worried about Jennie was a few years ago when she almost had an encounter with a rebel group called the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). The Lord's Resistance Army is a group that has risen up against the government. It is not uncommon for this group to abduct and rape civilians, including children. I'm not completely sure, but I think the LRA came within a mile or two of the orphanage. Jennie told her family to pray, and then we lost contact with her for a few days. We weren't sure if Jennie and the orphanage were okay, or if the LRA found them. Only by the grace of God, the LRA never made it to the orphanage.
At this point, everyone in our family wanted Jennie to come home. We all thought it was too dangerous for her to be there. All the sicknesses and the close encounters with the rebel groups never made Jennie waiver in her calling to serve in Sudan. She knew she was where God wanted her, even if it was dangerous.
Like I said earlier, I have always thought Jennie was crazy for placing herself in such dangerous situations... until now. I completely understand where Jennie is coming from. Her faith is so strong that she will follow Christ wherever He may lead her, even if there is a good chance she could lose her life. Jennie, I am amazed at how obedient you are to where the LORD calls you. You have inspired me, encouraged me, and have shown me what it means to be a servant of the Most High.
Jennie has finished her time in Sudan, and is now faithfully serving the LORD here in the States. She has a heart for human sex trafficking victims, and is working to help those who have been enslaved to such ugly treatment.
Jennie's birthday was yesterday. I'm so thankful I have an amazing cousin who faithfully and obediently serves the LORD no matter what the cost. Jennie, next time you take a trip to Sudan I would love to go with you!
Jennie lives out the call of Matthew 28:18-20. She has experienced the hardships that Paul talks about in his letters. She knows what it means to suffer for Christ, and there is no greater joy than that.
Jennie, I love you. Thank you for sharing Christ's love to so many.
I'm preaching to myself when I say this, we need more people who are willing to serve Christ and go where He calls, no matter what the cost. As Lecrae says in his song, "Go Hard", "Lord kill me if I don't preach the gospel. I'm still in my 20's, but I'll die if I got to"..... "But it's people out here dying and none of em heard the message."
We are here to serve God and glorify Him. There is no greater joy than humbly serving God.
Here are a couple pictures from Jennie's time in Sudan.
Chapter five of Piper's book, Don't Waste Your Life is titled, "Risk is Right - Better to Lose Your Life Than to Waste It". In this chapter he talks about risking our lives for the sake of Christ. On page 85 Piper references what Paul said in Acts 20:23, "I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me." Paul knew that his work for Christ would bring about persecution.
Paul was not afraid to risk his life for the sake of Christ. In Philippians 1:21, Paul says this, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Paul had no fear of suffering so Christ might be known among more people. People wanted to literally kill Paul for preaching Christ's name. Paul didn't care. He obediently followed where the LORD led him, even if he might be killed.
Many of you might disagree with me or say I'm crazy, but I believe we are still called to this type of living today. As Christians, we have become too comfortable. We sing songs with words like, "Jesus, I believe in You and I would go, to the ends of the earth, to the ends of the earth." (To The Ends Of The Earth by Hillsong United). And other songs like, "My whole life is Yours. I give it all. Surrendered to Your name. And forever I will pray, have Your way, have Your way." (Arms Open Wide by Hillsong United).
We sing these lyrics, but do we really mean them? Would we really go to the ends of the earth for Christ if we felt called to? Do we really wish that Christ would have his way in us? Would we really give up everything to go serve Christ on the other side of the globe, even if we knew it would cost us our life?
Why are we scared to suffer for being a Christian? When we open up the Bible it is clear that we will be persecuted for being followers of Christ. In 1 Peter, Paul addresses the scattered and persecuted church. In 1 Peter 4:12 he says this, "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you." In Piper's book, Piper also referenced John 15:20. In this verse, Jesus says this, "Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also." I think the verse speaks for itself. We will be persecuted for being Christians. Why then are we surprised when people make fun of us for being Christians? Or why are we surprised when people physically hurt or murder Christians? (Not really seen in America, more in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia) We should know this is part of following Christ. Persecution for serving Christ is not something to run from, but something to rejoice in (1 Peter 4:13-14).
There is someone who I recently have come to admire and respect a lot, more than I ever have before. I'll be honest, I used to think she was crazy for placing herself in situations where she could very easily get sick from poor living conditions, or get killed by those who are strongly opposed to Christianity. My cousin, Jennie, is one of the most fearless, faithful Christians I know. She is one of the most happy, joyful persons I know too.
Jennie spent most of her childhood as a missionary in Mozambique, Africa with her family. They came back to the States and Jennie went off to college. After she graduated from college, Jennie felt called to serve in Yei, Sudan at an orphanage. A lot of us wondered why she would want to place herself in such a dangerous situation. Jennie didn't care though. She knew God was calling her to reach out to these kids who needed to be loved.
Jennie has definitely experienced what it means to follow Christ no matter what the cost. Many times she has been sick; illnesses she wouldn't have had, had she been in the States. Some of these illnesses have placed her in the hospital for many days. Once again, Jennie didn't care. Yes, I'm sure she wished she had never gotten sick, but she had an amazing attitude about it! She knew God wanted her in Sudan, and nothing was going to stop her from serving Christ.
The most we have ever worried about Jennie was a few years ago when she almost had an encounter with a rebel group called the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). The Lord's Resistance Army is a group that has risen up against the government. It is not uncommon for this group to abduct and rape civilians, including children. I'm not completely sure, but I think the LRA came within a mile or two of the orphanage. Jennie told her family to pray, and then we lost contact with her for a few days. We weren't sure if Jennie and the orphanage were okay, or if the LRA found them. Only by the grace of God, the LRA never made it to the orphanage.
At this point, everyone in our family wanted Jennie to come home. We all thought it was too dangerous for her to be there. All the sicknesses and the close encounters with the rebel groups never made Jennie waiver in her calling to serve in Sudan. She knew she was where God wanted her, even if it was dangerous.
Like I said earlier, I have always thought Jennie was crazy for placing herself in such dangerous situations... until now. I completely understand where Jennie is coming from. Her faith is so strong that she will follow Christ wherever He may lead her, even if there is a good chance she could lose her life. Jennie, I am amazed at how obedient you are to where the LORD calls you. You have inspired me, encouraged me, and have shown me what it means to be a servant of the Most High.
Jennie has finished her time in Sudan, and is now faithfully serving the LORD here in the States. She has a heart for human sex trafficking victims, and is working to help those who have been enslaved to such ugly treatment.
Jennie's birthday was yesterday. I'm so thankful I have an amazing cousin who faithfully and obediently serves the LORD no matter what the cost. Jennie, next time you take a trip to Sudan I would love to go with you!
Jennie lives out the call of Matthew 28:18-20. She has experienced the hardships that Paul talks about in his letters. She knows what it means to suffer for Christ, and there is no greater joy than that.
Jennie, I love you. Thank you for sharing Christ's love to so many.
I'm preaching to myself when I say this, we need more people who are willing to serve Christ and go where He calls, no matter what the cost. As Lecrae says in his song, "Go Hard", "Lord kill me if I don't preach the gospel. I'm still in my 20's, but I'll die if I got to"..... "But it's people out here dying and none of em heard the message."
We are here to serve God and glorify Him. There is no greater joy than humbly serving God.
Here are a couple pictures from Jennie's time in Sudan.
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