Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Seasons of Life

I have always been told there are seasons, seasons of life.  Typically, we are raised in a home under the supervision of an adult.  We then leave the home to begin working, or further our education.  After that, we are all in the workforce trying to make a living (hopefully).  Life can get stressful trying to pay bills, and possibly support a family.  We eventually grow old, cherish time with family and friends more than ever, and eventually end our lives here on earth.  Again, this is typically speaking.

There are also seasons within those broad seasons mentioned above.  We could have a season of the 1st grade, or a season of practicing a hobby, or a season of moving to a new school.  There are countless seasons in life.

On December 4th, 2008, I signed to play golf at Oklahoma Christian University.  I didn't even know about Oklahoma Christian until November 30th, 2008, only one month before I signed to play golf there.  I was playing a practice round with a friend in Ardmore, Oklahoma, and he asked me, "Have you thought about playing college golf in Oklahoma?  Oklahoma Christian has a good team."  I replied quickly by saying, "Psshh, no.  There is no way I am going to school in Oklahoma.  I want to go farther south like Texas, Alabama, Florida, or Georgia."  What-do-you-know, I attend school in the heart of Oklahoma.

This was a new season for me.  I was leaving Republic, Missouri, a town I had lived in my whole life.  I went to college only knowing one kid who I had met only a few months before.  We met at a golf tournament during the summer, and we talked for maybe 10 seconds before he was about to tee-off.

I was looking forward to school, college golf, and meeting new people.

At first, it was tough meeting new people.  Everyone seemed to know each other, and the school seemed very "cliquish," but God placed some people in my life who have been, and are, absolutely unbelievable.

I'll be honest, the first two years of college were not fun at all.  First, my golf game was (and still is) absolutely terrible.  I have had some better rounds lately, but I still have the worst scoring average on the team... slowly improving :) .  Academics have gone really well the past two years, but that hasn't been fun either.  I always questioned why God brought me to Oklahoma, especially Oklahoma Christian.  I love major universities.  I love the excitement of big football and basketball games on Saturday.  I love walking across huge campuses with gorgeous trees, and stone structured buildings that date back to the late 1800's.  I love large universities.  I always questioned why God directed my path to Oklahoma Christian.  It's a school that is located in the center of Oklahoma, has about 2,300 undergrad students, no football program, midnight curfew for freshman, room checks, and a golf team that could easily compete with the majority of NCAA Division I golf programs.  The main reason I came to Oklahoma Christian was because of the golf program.  In my two-and-a-half years of being here, I have played in a total of 2 golf tournaments.  Both tournaments were in Oklahoma City, which means everyone on the team gets to play because it is a local tournament (In golf, typically only the top 5 play and travel to tournaments).  The past two years I doubted whether or not I was supposed to go to OC.  Until now.

I can honestly say I am 100% content and happy where the LORD has me.  I am beginning to see why God has placed me in Oklahoma.  I go to a school that has a great business department, especially accounting (my major).  I am blessed to have the opportunity to attend a university that is based on Christian values.  One of my classes, "Christian Family," is a class that prepares us for the upcoming seasons in our life, and teaches us how to live each season in accordance to God's word.  I don't think there is any class that is more beneficial and more applicable for my future than my Christian Family class.

The people I have met, the opportunities I have been given, the things I have learned, have all been incredible blessings from God which I am just now beginning to see.  The people in Oklahoma are some of the nicest people I have met.  I have friends at school, friends at K-Life (middle school and high school student ministry), friends from other universities, and friends from golf.

I feel like I am growing more spiritually than I ever have.  I have been blessed with AMAZING friends who desire to pursue Christ and all He has for them.  The community and fellowship with my friends has been so encouraging.  To have friends who enjoy discussing God's word and encourage me to live-out God's love is unbelievably comforting.  I love where I am right now.  However, I know this is just a season.  I know God is shaping me into the man he wants me to be, and preparing me for what He has planned for my life.

We serve a great and mighty God who sees the bigger picture.  Sometimes, our lives might not make sense.  We have to hold onto hope and trust that God is in control.  He has a much, MUCH greater plan for our lives than we could ever dream of... seriously!  Living for Christ's name is anything but boring.  When we follow God's call for our lives, He will take us places we never dreamed we would go, he introduces us to people we never thought we would meet, and he teaches us things we never believed we would learn.  We are clay in the Potter's hand.  Allow God to chisel you into the person He wants you to be.  If you are bored, want something to do, and/or want to fill a void/emptiness in your life, try chasing after Christ.  Open the Bible and study it.  Once you are led by the Spirit, you will no longer be left empty (John 4:14).  God will lead you from one season to the next for work that can only be done through the power of the Spirit, with the fellowship of other believers, all for the glory of God.

The seasons of life may change, but our God remains the same.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Quiet Time Moments

I thought about not taking the time to write this since I have to get up in four hours, but I really felt the need to share it.

Tonight, after I finished studying for my accounting test which is tomorrow morning, I spent some time in prayer (something I am currently working on.... my prayer life is definitely lacking).  As I was praying, the Holy Spirit put on my heart the K-Life small group memory verse for the week.  I opened my Bible and turned to Ephesians 6:16-18.  It reads this, "In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.  And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.  With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."  The part that really stood out to me was verse 17 where it talks about the word of God being the sword of the Spirit.  

If the Bible is the sword of the Spirit, why would we go to battle without it?  We would be defenseless.  A shield can only do so much.  A sword is necessary for survival.  It can block attacks from the enemy, and it can pierce right through the soul.  The Bible is 100% needed if we are going to succeed in living our lives for Christ.  We have to know the Word.  The only way to know the Word is by opening it and studying it.  This requires time (more than once a week at church).  Open and study it every day.  It's necessary.

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Cost of Following Christ

Ever since the Passion Conference in January, the Lord has really been working in my life.  I have grown more in my faith the past five months than I think I ever have in my entire life.  I am so thankful the Lord has been molding me and shaping me.  It's hard to describe the transformation that takes place when God reveals himself in mighty ways.  God has completely changed my heart and my thinking when it comes to viewing this life.  I still have a long way to go, but I'm thankful for the change that has taken place so far.

Recently, I finished reading the book, Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper.  WOW!  What a powerful book!  There are many things that Piper says that may seem "radical" or "ridiculous" to most people.  But, everything he says is Bible based.

When I went to the Passion Conference I became a fan of the Christian rap artist, Lecrae.  Many people might think, "Christian rap artist?  Really?  That's ridiculous."  But before you go bash Chrstian rap, I would highly encourage you to listen to Lecrae's lyrics.  His Spirit inspired music is filled with scripture and truth.  There are so many songs that I think, "YES!  That's what it's about!"

There are many leaders in the Christian church who I think really get it.  One of the common themes I have seen is suffering and surrendering to Christ.  A few of the people that have great things to say about these topics are John Piper, Francis Chan, David Platt, Louie Giglio, and Lecrae.

The Bible is very clear in what we are to do as believers and followers of Christ.  In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus tells the disciples what they are to do.  Keep in mind these are Jesus' last instructions to the disciples.  (Must be pretty important if this is what Jesus wanted them to remember)... "Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'"

This passage is known as the Great Commission.  Every time I read this I think, "Kyle, have you obeyed these instructions?  Are you making disciples?  Are you letting others know about the hope, freedom, peace, joy, and most importantly, love, found in Jesus Christ our Savior?"  We are placed on this earth for one reason, and one reason only.  That is to glorify God in all we do, and let others know about his love and mercy.  I agree with the Christian leaders I mentioned above.  As Christians, we have lost sight of what it means to be a follower of Christ.  We have become too wrapped up in the busyness of life and it seems like we just go through the motions.  Unfortunately, I feel Christianity has become something we do on Sundays, instead of a relationship we have with our LORD every second of every day.

Lecrae says it perfectly in his song, "Go Hard"... "Aw mayne we ain't focused on the war we just kickin it.  Worried bout our image and our space up on the internet."

I'm afraid Lecrae is right.  And I know I'm guilty.  We aren't focused on the war (spiritual war).  We aren't focused on making disciples.  We are self-absorbed.  John Piper would refer to this self-centered living as a wasted life.

Chapter five of Piper's book, Don't Waste Your Life is titled, "Risk is Right - Better to Lose Your Life Than to Waste It".  In this chapter he talks about risking our lives for the sake of Christ.  On page 85 Piper references what Paul said in Acts 20:23, "I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me."  Paul knew that his work for Christ would bring about persecution.

Paul was not afraid to risk his life for the sake of Christ.  In Philippians 1:21, Paul says this, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."  Paul had no fear of suffering so Christ might be known among more people.  People wanted to literally kill Paul for preaching Christ's name.  Paul didn't care.  He obediently followed where the LORD led him, even if he might be killed.

Many of you might disagree with me or say I'm crazy, but I believe we are still called to this type of living today.  As Christians, we have become too comfortable.  We sing songs with words like, "Jesus, I believe in You and I would go, to the ends of the earth, to the ends of the earth." (To The Ends Of The Earth by Hillsong United).  And other songs like, "My whole life is Yours.  I give it all.  Surrendered to Your name.  And forever I will pray, have Your way, have Your way." (Arms Open Wide by Hillsong United).

We sing these lyrics, but do we really mean them?  Would we really go to the ends of the earth for Christ if we felt called to?  Do we really wish that Christ would have his way in us?  Would we really give up everything to go serve Christ on the other side of the globe, even if we knew it would cost us our life?

Why are we scared to suffer for being a Christian?  When we open up the Bible it is clear that we will be persecuted for being followers of Christ.  In 1 Peter, Paul addresses the scattered and persecuted church.  In 1 Peter 4:12 he says this, "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you."  In Piper's book, Piper also referenced John 15:20.  In this verse, Jesus says this, "Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.'  If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.  If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also."  I think the verse speaks for itself.  We will be persecuted for being Christians.  Why then are we surprised when people make fun of us for being Christians?  Or why are we surprised when people physically hurt or murder Christians? (Not really seen in America, more in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia)  We should know this is part of following Christ.  Persecution for serving Christ is not something to run from, but something to rejoice in (1 Peter 4:13-14).

There is someone who I recently have come to admire and respect a lot, more than I ever have before.  I'll be honest, I used to think she was crazy for placing herself in situations where she could very easily get sick from poor living conditions, or get killed by those who are strongly opposed to Christianity.  My cousin, Jennie, is one of the most fearless, faithful Christians I know.  She is one of the most happy, joyful persons I know too.

Jennie spent most of her childhood as a missionary in Mozambique, Africa with her family.  They came back to the States and Jennie went off to college.  After she graduated from college, Jennie felt called to serve in Yei, Sudan at an orphanage.  A lot of us wondered why she would want to place herself in such a dangerous situation.  Jennie didn't care though.  She knew God was calling her to reach out to these kids who needed to be loved.

Jennie has definitely experienced what it means to follow Christ no matter what the cost.  Many times she has been sick; illnesses she wouldn't have had, had she been in the States.  Some of these illnesses have placed her in the hospital for many days.  Once again, Jennie didn't care.  Yes, I'm sure she wished she had never gotten sick, but she had an amazing attitude about it!  She knew God wanted her in Sudan, and nothing was going to stop her from serving Christ.

The most we have ever worried about Jennie was a few years ago when she almost had an encounter with a rebel group called the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA).  The Lord's Resistance Army is a group that has risen up against the government.  It is not uncommon for this group to abduct and rape civilians, including children.  I'm not completely sure, but I think the LRA came within a mile or two of the orphanage.  Jennie told her family to pray, and then we lost contact with her for a few days.  We weren't sure if Jennie and the orphanage were okay, or if the LRA found them.  Only by the grace of God, the LRA never made it to the orphanage.

At this point, everyone in our family wanted Jennie to come home.  We all thought it was too dangerous for her to be there.  All the sicknesses and the close encounters with the rebel groups never made Jennie waiver in her calling to serve in Sudan.  She knew she was where God wanted her, even if it was dangerous.

Like I said earlier, I have always thought Jennie was crazy for placing herself in such dangerous situations... until now.  I completely understand where Jennie is coming from.  Her faith is so strong that she will follow Christ wherever He may lead her, even if there is a good chance she could lose her life.  Jennie, I am amazed at how obedient you are to where the LORD calls you.  You have inspired me, encouraged me, and have shown me what it means to be a servant of the Most High.

Jennie has finished her time in Sudan, and is now faithfully serving the LORD here in the States.  She has a heart for human sex trafficking victims, and is working to help those who have been enslaved to such ugly treatment.

Jennie's birthday was yesterday.  I'm so thankful I have an amazing cousin who faithfully and obediently serves the LORD no matter what the cost.  Jennie, next time you take a trip to Sudan I would love to go with you!

Jennie lives out the call of Matthew 28:18-20.  She has experienced the hardships that Paul talks about in his letters.  She knows what it means to suffer for Christ, and there is no greater joy than that.

Jennie, I love you.  Thank you for sharing Christ's love to so many.

I'm preaching to myself when I say this, we need more people who are willing to serve Christ and go where He calls, no matter what the cost.  As Lecrae says in his song, "Go Hard", "Lord kill me if I don't preach the gospel.  I'm still in my 20's, but I'll die if I got to"..... "But it's people out here dying and none of em heard the message."

We are here to serve God and glorify Him.  There is no greater joy than humbly serving God.

Here are a couple pictures from Jennie's time in Sudan.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Right Timing

Last night I was searching the closet where all my college stuff is stashed away.  I was looking for the pack of 3X5 note cards that was left-over from this past school year.  As I was looking for the note cards, I came across the memory verse cards from my Story of the New Testament, Bible class.  I looked at the first card which was Matthew 6:33-34.  These two verses come from the passage of Matthew 6:25-34 which talks about not worrying.  Verses 33-34 say this...

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own."

As soon as I read this I thought, "Wow, God sure does know when to speak at the right time."

I guess I could say one of my flaws is worrying about the future.  I have a tendency to worry about what my future holds in many areas of my life.

These verses were exactly what I needed to hear.  The passage starts with this, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,..."

This is what my focus needs to be.  Instead of worrying about what the future holds, I need to be focused on seeking his kingdom and his righteousness.  If I focus on seeking these two things, then God will direct me in the way he wants me to go.  There is nothing to worry about when we are 100%, fully seeking Christ.  If we constantly seek him and strive to serve him, then there is nothing to fear, because we are walking in the way he has for us.

The second part to verse 33 says this, "...and all these things will be given to you as well."  This doesn't mean we will get that $80 pair of jeans we've been wanting, or that car that just went on sale.  When we FULLY seek Christ, we lose sight of what's not important (our wants), and we begin to gain perspective on what really matters.  And I believe what really matters is allowing God to work in and through us to share Christ's love with those around us, and to glorify Him in all we do.  God will supply us with what we need to fully serve him (not what we want).

Verse 34 is a great reminder to focus on the present.  There is nothing we can do by worrying.  When we worry, all we do is build up stress and anxiety which we definitely don't need.  If we focus on living for Christ in the present, then God will take care of our future.

I'm constantly reminded that God is in control.  He always shows his power and love at just the right time.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sophomore Year, Second Semester (Spring 2011)

I returned to school refreshed and ready for second semester.  Honestly, I wasn't really excited about coming back.  My good friend, Dylan Fletcher, wasn't returning, so I was really bummed about that.  I had my close friends Randy and Matt, but they weren't real excited about returning either.  However, after a few weeks of school, we were all fine and enjoying the year (probably because we had a huge snow storm that cancelled classes for a few days).

When the semester began I was ready to start golfing again.  I had taken the last 7 weeks off, so I was ready to practice and get better.  We had about a week of practice, and then our coach held a team meeting letting us know when qualifying would begin for our first tournament.  He told us we would have another week to practice before qualifying began.  During this week, I worked hard on my game, trying to get ready for qualifying.

Our first day of qualifying was finally here!  I was ready to play!  The day before we qualified I heard we would be playing Oak Tree West course.  I had never played Oak Tree West before.  I had only played Oak Tree East.  I wasn't sure what the course was like, but everyone told me it was slightly easier than Oak Tree East.  That sounded like great news to me!  I thought, "The easier the golf course, the better!"  Especially with the way I had been playing the past 18 months.

We teed-off on hole one, a par 4.  My first shot went left, into the rough.  My second shot landed right of the green.  I chipped the ball onto the green to about five feet, leaving myself a quick, downhill putt that broke from right to left.  Unfortunately, I missed my putt for par.  I made my next put for a bogey 5.  I recovered nicely on the next hole with a par.  Then the trouble came.

Hole three is a long par 4 that has water that runs up the entire right side.  The green is surrounded by sand traps.  My plan was to hit a low fade and land the ball on the left side of the fairway.  I set-up to the ball, confident that I was going to execute the shot.  Unfortunately, the ball had a different plan.  (Or maybe it was my fault... haha) Anyway, the ball was curving toward the water.   I was hoping it would land softly in the rough, but it just kept curving.  When the ball landed, I saw a huge splash.  I dropped my second ball and pulled out my 3-wood.  This time I hit the ball down the center of the fairway.  I had about 230 yards left to the green.  I decided to hit my 3-wood again.  When I hit the shot, the ball flew straight toward the green.  Unfortunately, the ball bounced off the firm green and went into the rough.  I was able to hit my fifth shot close to the hole, and make the putt for a double bogey.  I didn't get frustrated.  I knew there was still plenty of golf to play.

The fourth hole went even worse than the third hole.  My first shot landed in some thick weeds about 20 yards left of the fairway.  I hacked the ball out of the weeds and into a sand trap.  I hacked the ball around the green a few more times and putted in for a triple bogey.  The rest of the round went downhill from there.  I continued to hit bad shot after bad shot.

By the time I finished the 9th hole, a huge fear had swept over me.

After the 9th hole I pulled out my cell phone to text my parents.  I never pull out my phone on the course, especially when qualifying.  I texted my parents this, "Please pray I break 100."  I wish I could say I was joking when I wrote this, but I was completely serious.  I haven't shot in the 100's since I was probably 10 years old.  I was playing the worst golf of my entire life!  I was completely embarrassed.  Here I am, 20 years old, playing golf in college, and I am struggling to break 100.  Good work, Kyle. (sarcasm)

The next thing that happened was a complete "God Thing."

The second I pushed, "Send", to my parents, I received a text message from one of my really close friends.  The text message simply said this, "Prayin for u right now!"  The amount of comfort and peace that I felt during that time was somewhat overwhelming.  I have no doubt that God was in control of that situation.  Like I said, I never pull my phone out on the course.  And right after I pulled my phone out, I got a text from someone who said they were praying for me at that very moment.  A moment when I felt so much anxiety, confusion, and frustration.

My parents texted back shortly after that and told me they were praying for me.  The peace of God swept over me.  I knew I had three people that cared and were praying for me.  Regardless of how I played the back nine, my parents and my close friend were still going to care very much for me.

I played the back nine not great, but a lot better than the front nine.  By the grace of God I was able to break 100.

As soon as I finished my round, I had to hurry off to drive down to lake Texoma for a K-Life leader retreat (K-Life is a middle school and high school student ministry).  When I began heading down to the lake, I called my dad.  I told him how I finished the rest of my round.  There was a noticeable difference in my attitude after that round, compared to my bad rounds the past few semesters.  I wasn't frustrated, I wasn't angry, I just thought, "Ok, God.  You are obviously trying to show me something.  Please help me to see what you are doing, and where you are leading me."

As I drove south on I-35, my mom eventually called me when she was on one of her breaks at work.  I told her how I finished the round.  As we were talking she said this statement, "Kyle, maybe this is God directing you in a different direction."  That's when I began to think, "Maybe God has something else for my life.  Maybe He is telling me to move on from golf."  My mom and I talked for a few more minutes.  After I hung up, I listened to my new CD, Passion: Awakening.

The first song on the CD is, Awakening, by Chris Tomlin.  I am going to write out the lyrics that became my prayer, and my cry to God...

For You and You alone
Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing
For the world You love
Your will be done, let Your will be done in me

This was my only prayer.  My one desire.  That God's will would be done in my life.  I wanted God to awake my soul to what He wanted, not to what Kyle wanted.  I was miserable with unsuccessfully chasing my own dreams and desires.

Once my mom and dad were both home from work, they called.  I talked to them for about 10 minutes about golf, life, and God's will.  We talked it over and decided if my golf game didn't improve in the near future, then it is probably God telling me to give it up.  We ended our conversation in prayer and they told me to have a great time at the K-Life leader retreat.

Once I got to the lake house I was warmly greeted with an applause.  Yes, you can go ahead and laugh.  I thought it was funny too.  All my K-Life friends are incredibly nice.  They had all traveled down the night before.  Since I had qualifying on Saturday, I couldn't go down until Saturday afternoon.  I was really glad I went.

We had a great evening hanging out, eating, and playing games.  I was able to speak with a few people about my golf situation.  We all thought God may be directing me away from golf since I had been playing absolutely terrible for the past year and a half.

The rest of the retreat went great!  I always enjoy hanging out with the staff and leaders from K-Life.  They always have an upbeat and happy attitude.  I love being around them.  We drove back Sunday afternoon, and I got ready for the upcoming school week.

Once again, I would like to say my golf game miraculously returned.  However, this isn't the case.  Since I played so bad the first day of qualifying, I knew I would not be traveling to any tournaments this semester.  So, once again, my job was to work on my golf game and try to get better.  I practiced the rest of the semester.  

I have improved a little bit, but even today, I am still not playing well.  I struggle to hit the ball straight.  Sometimes the ball will go way left, and sometimes it will go way right.  However, I continue to practice and try and get better.


Through the last 20 months, I have learned many, many, life lessons.  God has completely stirred in my life and He has awakened me to see the big picture.  Before the Passion Conference I was so focused on myself and my golf game.  Since Passion, from studying the Bible, I have realized that we are here on this earth for one reason, and that is to bring glory to God, our LORD and Savior.  It is because of Him that we have been placed on this earth.  He sustains our every breath day-by-day.  Doesn't it make sense to give all the glory and praise to Him?  We have nothing to boast about.  God has generously provided us with everything we have.

I began one of my first blog posts by saying it hasn't been the most fun two years, and it hasn't been the most exciting two years, but it has definitely been the most beneficial two years.  As crazy as it sounds, I am soooooooo thankful God has allowed me to play absolutely terrible.  It  has truly been the most beneficial two years of my life.  It has been extremely humbling to know that my life isn't about me and any glory that I might bring to myself.  My life is about being the hands and feet of God.  Philippians 2:3-11 says it best.  I encourage you to look up the passage on your own.  Don't just read it, but actually study it.  Break down the scripture to see what it really means.  I will write out verse 3 and 4, which says this, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.  Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others."

This past semester my Bible class was "Story of the New Testament."  We read through most of the New Testament.  I believe we covered 1 Corinthians through Revelation.  During this time of studying the Word, the Bible became extremely clear.  Paul wrote most of the books we studied.  Through Paul's writings and some other people's writings, I have been given a clear picture of what it means to be a servant of God.  If any of you haven't studied the Bible, I strongly encourage you to do so.

God has made me realize that it's not about my will, but about His will.  Thankfully, God is in control of my life.  If I were in control, then my life would be a complete mess.  I am not sure what God has in store for me in the future, but I know, without a doubt, if I put Him first and constantly seek Him in prayer and in scripture, then He will guide me where He wants me to be.

Sorry my blog posts have been so long.  I just felt led to share what's been going on in my life the past 20 months.  I promise the posts will be shorter from now on.  Thank you very much for taking the time to read the blog.  I hope and pray at least one of you has been encouraged from reading the posts.  We serve a great and mighty God!  God bless!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Christmas Break 2010-2011 Part 2

Well, it has been awhile since I have had a blog post.  I have no good excuse for not posting.  With school, golf, and K-Life, I haven't had much free time.  Anyway, it's time to write about the Passion Conference I went to over Christmas Break in Atlanta, Georgia.  I could honestly write an entire book over the conference... seriously.  There was so much that happened and so much to take in over those five days.  I will try to keep the post as short as I can, but don't be surprised if the post is long.  I apologize beforehand if this becomes really lengthy.  There is so much I would love to share!  It will be difficult to pick out the highlights, because honestly the whole trip was filled with highlights.  Sooooo, here we go!

The six of us trucked it down to Atlanta in a minivan.  It was me, Travis, Stephen, one of Stephen's friends from KU, and two of his friends.  The drive to Atlanta was pretty fun!  I have never driven through the South before (I did once when I was little, but I don't remember it).  I love seeing the country and taking roadtrips, so this was perfect!  We drove all day and got into Atlanta around eight o'clock.  We were about two miles from our hotel when the back right tire popped.  We pulled over and checked out the damage.  We called Triple-A and they came and put the spare on for us.

Growing up, my mom told me Satan tries to attack before the Holy Spirit moves.  I didn't realize it at the time, but my mom was right.  Satan tried to steal our joy with this flat tire, but it wasn't going to happen.  We all kept a positive attitude about being stranded in Atlanta for an hour and half while waiting for Triple-A.  Nothing was going to take away from what the Holy Spirit was about to do over the next four days.

After the tire was fixed, we went to the hotel and dropped off our stuff.  We sneaked our stuff into the room because I am pretty sure it is illegal to have six people in a room that only sleeps four.  Since it was New Years Eve, we went to the Peach Drop in downtown Atlanta.  This is their big New Years Eve celebration.  We picked up some Dominos and then took the MARTA (train) into the city.

Downtown Atlanta was PACKED!  We had no clue where to go, so we just followed the crowed.  As soon as we started walking down the street, we came to a barricade with cops standing everywhere.  Apparently, we stumbled upon a huge fight that was just ending.  Welcome to Atlanta, right? haha

We decided to go a different way and try to get a good view of the peach.  We walked for awhile and made our way into the middle of the crowd.  As we stood there, I quickly came to the realization of how lost this world is.  I don't say this in boastful way at all.  I am just being honest.  Seeing grown men and women completely drunk and acting like kids is something I didn't want to see, but glad I did see.  After watching the Peach Drop, we followed the slow-moving crowds back to the train.  Thankfully, we made it back to our hotel room without any trouble.

The next morning we woke up and were ready to check-in at the conference.  We drove into downtown Atlanta and checked-in at the other hotel where we would stay for the next three nights.  We took the shuttle to the Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC), the site for Passion 2011!  We got off the shuttle and were immediately greeted by the nicest "Door Holders" (volunteers)!  Everyone was very welcoming and asked if we had any questions.  We made our way to the end of the line which stretched for a good 300 feet.

After we checked-in, we walked through the GWCC and made our way to the convention center downstairs.  As soon as we walked into the convention center, I immediately got goosebumps.  The whole area was filled with different causes.  It was called "Do Something Now".  I believe "Do Something Now" has 14 different causes worldwide, which range from rescuing people from human trafficking (modern day slavery), to clean water projects.  As we walked around, I was filled with excitement, anticipation, and compassion.  I was excited and anticipating all the speakers and all the worship that was about to come.  And I was filled with compassion for all the people around the world who struggle for their lives each day.  

One sign read, "According to the UN, 2,500 WOMEN and CHILDREN are SOLD into sexual slavery EVERY DAY."  This completely blew me away.  I could not believe this.  Here I am in America worried about not playing good golf when 2,500 women and children are sold every day!  Are you kidding, Kyle?!  You're worried about not playing good golf when people are being sold into slavery every day?  This really put life in perspective.  Another sign read, "EVERY 15 SECONDS A CHILD under the age of 5 DIES BECAUSE OF A WATER-RELATED DISEASE.  That's 5,000 CHILDREN a day."

One of the last things I think about is having clean water to drink.  I pretty much have access to clean water whenever I want.  There are people around the globe who wake up every day wondering if they are going to get clean water and make it through the day.  That sign said 5,000 children die under the age of 5 every day due to unclean water.  That's only children under the age of 5!  Imagine what that number is for all age groups combined.

Walking through the "Do Something Now" center softened my heart.  God was already at work and I had only been at Passion for one hour.

Stephen, Travis, and I decided to take part in the water walk.  The water walk is a small simulation of what it's like for those who have to walk miles each day just to get clean water.  We each picked up two, large containers of water, each weighing about 40 pounds.  The path we had to walk was only 1/8 of a mile long.  We made it half way around before we had to stop and rest.  Stephen requested the three of us pray, so we put our arms around each other and joined together in prayer.  This was the beginning of a strong, spiritual friendship between the three of us.

We finished the water walk with just a tiny glimpse of what people have to go through every day.  We walked 1/8 of a mile.  Some people have to walk 5 miles every day just to get clean water, and then another 5 miles back.  Not to mention they have to do that in weather which could be extreme heat, rain, wind, etc.  Also, once they have received their clean water, it's not uncommon for half of it to spill on the way back.  Carrying 40 pounds of water isn't the easiest thing to do.  Especially if it's a KID who is already thirsty for water.  With fatigue setting it, it wouldn't be unusual for a kid to accidentally spill some of the water.

I will try to fast forward and pick out all the highlights.  I have already written a lot and I haven't even talked about any of the sessions.

The first session opened with about an hour of worship.  Chris Tomlin and Christy Nockels lead the opening worship.  I was immediately caught in awe of 16,000 college students filling the Phillips Arena (6,000 college students in the GWCC Arena (overflow arena)) to worship Jesus.  Louie Giglio spoke on how God is no respecter of age.  Just because we are young doesn't mean God can't use us to change the world.  Look at Mark Zuckerberg.  He was a college student who completely changed the world through a thing called facebook.  Just because we are in college doesn't mean we aren't capable of changing the world.  God wants to work in and through us, even those in college.  Louie talked about Paul's life.  The story of Paul sums up the gospel.  God can do anything!  God can save anyone!  Who would have ever given Paul a chance.  Before Paul was Paul, Paul was Saul.  Saul murdered Christians.  He was completely against people who followed Christ.  He had a complete life transformation and began serving Christ.  Jesus' mercy and forgiveness is for everyone!  It doesn't matter how many bad things you have done, Jesus still loves you and forgives you.  Jesus loves the sinner, but hates the sin.

The next day we had the chance to hear Beth Moore speak.  Beth spoke on the renewing of the mind.  She began by saying God has a specific plan for our lives.  We are put on earth to bring glory to God.  Whatever God calls us to do, is more than we are capable of doing.  It is only done through Christ and the Holy Spirit within us.  Beth also spoke about strongholds.

Stronghold- something that takes power over your mind.  It pretends to have more power over you than God.

In 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Paul tells us strongholds can be defeated.  Beth Moore ended by saying, "We can change our minds by changing our hearts."  We can think new thoughts about past experiences.

Later that day we went to a breakout session by Ben Stuart.  Ben spoke on "Fighting For Holiness".  The whole idea about Ben's talk was about what goes in, must come out.  If we are constantly filling ourselves with things that are pleasing to God (studying the Bible, prayer, positive music, fellowship with others... etc.) then things that please God will flow out of us.  But, if we fill ourselves with negative things, then out of that will come actions that don't please God.

That night Francis Chan spoke.  Francis' talk was about living a life worthy of the gospel we read.  He talked about how people say they follow Christ, or are a Christian, but don't live what the gospel says.  People will say, "Yeah, I am a Christian."  But if you look at how they live their life, they don't actually live what the Bible teaches.  Francis challenged us by asking if we have the guts to get out of our comfort zone and serve Christ.  He also encouraged us not to be "consumer driven" Christians.  Too many times we go to church expecting to be given all sorts of good information for the week.  What do we do with that information the majority of the time?... NOTHING!  We need to stop being consumer driven Christians, and start living what the Bible teaches, and that is loving and serving God, and loving and serving others.  He closed by saying, "If I believe what the Bible says then I need to share Christ with everyone."

After Francis spoke, we all went to our community groups.  I was in a community group with six other people, none of which I knew.  During the four days at the conference, I became really close to these six people.  We openly shared with each other our personal struggles and encouraged one another.  I always looked forward to our community group time.

After the community groups ended that night, Stephen, Travis, and me joined together in prayer.  I have never felt a bond that strong between a group of guys before.  Stephen and Travis have been an unbelievable blessing in my life.  All of us lifted each other up in prayer.  This was one of the most uplifting and encouraging times I have ever had.  Our time in prayer was definitely emotional.  Unfortunately, I did not have a tissue, so I had to use the best alternative, my jeans and pullover.  After we finished praying Travis lightened the mood by saying, "Well, at least I'm in better shape than Kyle... Splash zone over there."  We got a good laugh out of that.

We left the community group room and went to the Lecrae "Late Night" concert.  This was the first time I had ever really listened to Lecrae's music.  For any of you who don't know, Lecrae is a Christian rapper.  A lot of you may be thinking, "Christian rapper?  Are you kidding me, Kyle?  That's an oxymoron."  If you ever take the time to listen to the lyrics, I think you will have an appreciation for Lecrae and how he is reaching people with the gospel.  His lyrics are so good!  I really encourage you to listen to the music or read the lyrics even if you don't enjoy rap.

Monday morning, January 3, we listened to Andy Stanley talk about "Appetite."  He opened by saying, "We will rule our appetite, or our appetite will rule us."  Andy talked about Genesis 25, and how Esau let his appetite get the best of him.  Esau traded his birthright for a bowl of stew.  Let me say that again, ESAU TRADED HIS BIRTHRIGHT FOR A BOWL OF STEW!  Did you get it that time?  How many times do WE do the same exact thing?!  God has so much in store for us, but sometimes we trade future joy for temporary pleasures.  How ridiculous is that?!  We are all guilty of this though.  Esau traded his birthright, something that would bring him joy for the rest of his life, for a bowl of stew.  Andy said appetites have the potential to determine the outcome of our lives.  Be careful not to trade what God has in store for you for a small, temporary pleasure.  Andy also said we have no clue what's at stake.  God can do great and unimaginable things in and through us if we let him.

That afternoon Stephen, Travis, and I went to hear Francis Chan speak again.  Francis spoke about being like Christ.  Christ took the form of a servant.  Matthew 28:18-20 talks about the "Great Commission," which is sharing Christ with the world.  Francis really encouraged me not to be a stagnant Christian.  He said we need to go on in the process of teaching and discipling.  Something Francis said really stuck out to me.  He said, "Learn it to pass it on.  Don't learn it just because you should."  Then he said, "Oh, by the way, it's not going to be easy.  You will be rejected.  Keep pressin' on!"  Listening to Francis speak really challenged me to be more bold in my faith.  I have always been fairly timid to talk about Christ with those I encounter.  I feel challenged to be more bold in sharing the good news about Jesus with those around me.

That night we had the chance to listen to John Piper speak.  Piper spoke about making God the source of our joy.  Piper prayed that we would put Christ on bottom.  At first, this confused me.  I thought, "Put Christ on bottom?  Shouldn't we have Christ on top, putting him first?"  Then Piper clarified what he was saying.  He said that we need to have Christ on bottom as our foundation.  He is the solid foundation we need to have.  Too many times, we put ourselves on bottom, and try to make the root of our joy ourselves.  The root of our joy needs to come from God.  Piper also said God showed His love for us by sending a Savior.  The cross is a sign of how valuable we are.  This is/should be enough.  Jesus died for us with a specific design... That we might glorify Him.

Tuesday morning, January 4, Louie Giglio spoke at the final session.  Louie's main theme was this, God is counting on us to carry HIS name!!!!!  Christianity isn't about going to church, or going to Bible studies, it's about living Jesus and sharing Him with everyone.  The world is dying to hear Jesus' name!


The Passion Conference was absolutely incredible.  I honestly can't even put into words how amazing it was.  The worship, the teaching, the discussing, it was all amazing.  I have never grown so close to a group of guys spiritually.  My friendship with Stephen and Travis is one that will last forever.  I know I can turn to my brothers in Christ, and they will be there for me.  Before Passion, I always found it semi-awkward to pray with a group of guys.  Now, I look forward to those times when the three of us are together and can lift each other up in prayer.  There is nothing more enjoyable for me than to spend time with my brothers in Christ and spend time discussing God's word with them.  Even going back through my notes while I wrote this has been so encouraging and inspiring.  The Holy Spirit definitely planted a seed in my life at Passion.  I have never had a heart for missions, or a heart for those in need, but ever since Passion I have had a complete change of heart.  I am starting to realize why we are here on earth.  We are here for ONE reason, and that is to bring glory to God by loving and serving Him, and loving and serving others.  We need to become like Christ and take the form of a servant.  How often we forget this and become wrapped up in the busyness of life.  I am definitely guilty of being self-centered and not focusing on the needs of those around me.  There are so many people around the world who need to hear about Jesus.  Christianity isn't about being above everyone else, or being judgmental of others (two common misconceptions/negative views of Christianity (unfortunately)), it's about sharing Christ's love with everyone.  Jesus brings freedom, hope, peace, and eternal joy.  I hope and pray those who read this will see the love of Jesus and not someone who judges.  God's love and forgiveness is for everyone.  We are all level at the foot of the cross.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Christmas Break 2010-2011 Part 1

Christmas Break couldn't have started off any better.  I went to Dallas for a College Golf Fellowship (CGF) Retreat at Ben Crane's house.  College Golf Fellowship is a Christian ministry for college golfers.  They have summer and winter retreats, and they also have Bible studies at college golf tournaments throughout the school year.

The day before the retreat, I was able to hang out with Jules for the afternoon.  She showed me around Dallas, and later that evening we met some friends for sushi.  After dinner, my buddy Kevin Kring and I went to Brad Payne's house to spend the night.  Brad Payne is on staff with CGF.

The next morning we woke up, got some breakfast, and went to Vaquero to play golf.  When Kevin and I arrived at the driving range, we saw K.J. Choi giving lessons to some kids.  It was pretty cool to see a professional golfer giving lessons.  Anyway, we warmed-up on the range, and then headed for the first tee.

We played the front nine, and then made our way to the back nine.  As we were playing hole 12, I noticed a golf cart flying down the fairway.  As the cart got closer, we realized it was Ben Crane.  Ben dropped a ball in the fairway and asked, "Is it okay if I play a few holes with you guys?"  Obviously, no one in our group had a problem with Ben playing a few holes with us.  I immediately got nervous and excited.  I realized that I was going to have to hit golf shots in front of a PGA golfer.  I immediately thought to myself, "Oh gosh, I hope I don't shank one."

We made our way down the fairway to where my ball was.  I was about 180 yards out and pulled out my 4 iron.  I took a few practice swings, and set-up to the ball.  I don't think Ben could tell, but I was definitely shaking from being so nervous.  I had never hit a golf shot in front of someone who had won a PGA Tour event.  As soon as I hit the ball, I knew the shot wasn't going to be good.  When I looked up, I saw the ball helplessly fly through the air and land about 30 yards short of the green.  When I swung, I hit the ground before I hit the ball; a shot golfers call hitting it "fat."  This was pretty embarrassing.  However, I wasn't too worried about it.  I knew Ben was a nice guy, and I knew he wasn't going to make fun of me or laugh.  I'm sure he sees a lot of bad shots when he plays with nervous amateurs.  We finished playing hole 12, and then made our way to hole 13.  Ben hit a perfect drive, and then hit his next shot to about 3 feet of the hole.  He then made his putt for birdie.  Simple as that.  I hit a drive into the left rough, and then hit my next shot on the green.  I had a long, uphill putt for birdie.  I hit my first putt short of the hole by about 10 feet.  My next putt was still uphill, and had about 2 feet of break.  I took a few practice strokes, and then hit the putt.  I watched the putt roll up the hill, and break to the right, right into the center of the cup.  I then heard Ben say, "Nice putt."  I was pretty happy.  Ben Crane, the 2010 Farmers Insurance Open Champion, and the 2010 CIMB Asia Pacific Classic Champion, just told me, "Nice putt."  That made my day.  He did beat me on the hole, he birdied and I parred, but at least I played respectable golf on hole 13.  After that hole, he drove off to play with other college golfers.

We finished the rest of our round, and then drove to the Crane's house for dinner and the first session of our Bible study.

After we finished dinner, 80 college golfers gathered in the living room and kitchen of the Crane's to listen to the guest speaker.  Brad Payne introduced the guest speaker, Matt Chandler.  I had no clue who Matt Chandler was, but quickly found out.  Matt Chandler pastors a church in Flower Mound, Texas, called The Village Church.  He started speaking and I was quickly amazed and challenged.

I went to the CGF retreat the previous year and failed to bring a notebook to take notes.  This year, I did not make the same mistake.  As soon as Matt Chandler started speaking, I quickly took notes.  Chandler was incredible!  He challenged us, encouraged us, and preached the truth.  Friday night, December 17th, he spoke about how we (humans) fail to measure up to God's glory.  He said we want God's stuff, but we don't want God.  We think we are smarter than God.  He also said we fail to acknowledge God.  He said everything we have on earth was designed for us (humans) by God, for God's glory!

After Matt Chandler spoke, we all branched-off into our small groups to discuss what Chandler spoke about.  After our small groups, we had some time to hang out and play ping-pong.  Shortly after that, we all went to bed.  Fifty college golfers stayed at Ben Crane's house, and the other 30 college golfers were at other houses around the neighborhood.

The next day we woke up and listened to Chandler speak again.  This time, he spoke about how we can't go through life on our own.  We need the help of Christ to make it to Heaven.  He gave a great illustration too.  He told us to picture a young child who is learning to walk.  The child takes a few steps, and then falls.  The parents then cheer.  The parents don't cheer because the child fell, the parents cheer because the child was walking.

This is how our walk with Christ is when we are infants in Him.  We are the children, and God is the parent.  Once we start walking (living for Christ), there will be times where we will fall.  God doesn't get frustrated and angry with us.  He knows we are trying.  He is in Heaven cheering even though we fell down.

I think this is an awesome illustration!  There are so many new believers who come to know Christ and say they will never go back to the sin they once lived in.  A few months after committing their lives to Christ, they mess up and find themselves committing that same sin they said they would never commit again.  God doesn't get frustrated though.  He understands they are trying.  He is there to help them back up just like a parent helps their little kid back up.

Chandler said we aren't going to follow God by trying harder.  We are going to follow God by walking with God.

That evening, Ben and Heather Crane spoke about their lives and their relationship.  Heather gave some great advice about relationships.  She said don't date to date, date to marry.  She said find someone who makes you better.  She and Ben also gave a key point to relationships, they said, "Don't be prideful."  Learning from Ben and Heather Crane is great!  First, they both have a solid relationship with the Lord.  Their first focus isn't each other, but rather Christ.  They always put God first and look to serve Him.  They have so much love for each other, and have two great kids.  Their home is so peaceful and filled with joy because they keep Christ first in their lives.  After Ben and Heather spoke, Matt Chandler spoke for the final session.

Chandler began his Saturday night talk with this, "If you put anything primary before God, you will be unsatisfied."  I am going to write out the rest of the notes I put in my notebook because I think it is so important what Matt Chandler said...

  • Galatians 2:20
  • If you say, "I can do whatever I want because Jesus will forgive me" you are not saved.
  • (Chandler's) Fear: You know about God, but you don't know God.
  • Colossians 3:1
  • Are you a partaker of Jesus Christ?
  • If you do not have a desire to know God, you are not a Christian.
  • Colossians 3:1-2 "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."
  • When you become aware of your mortality, you view God and life differently.
    • -Stories of young people passing away
  • Fill your life with the things that stir your affections for Jesus Christ.
  • Spiritual formation begins when you throw those positive logs on the spiritual fire.
  • What you love, you can read about.
  • I'm going to know, follow, and worship Jesus Christ.
  • Surround your life with the things that fuel your spiritual fire.
  • *Side note- Relationship advice: Find someone who you are intimately in love with. (Soul to Soul)
  • Focus on following Christ, not avoiding sinful things. (Focus on the positive)
  • Don't be the guy who goes to church, but lives a secret life.
  • Be a guy who lives his whole life for Jesus Christ.
  • Be a Godly man.

After Matt Chandler spoke, we got into our small groups again to discuss what he talked about.  After small groups, we went to the kitchen to have dessert, and then we went back into the living room and listened to Martin Piller, Ben Crane, and Paul Stankowski talk about faith and golf.

As Ben Crane was talking, he said some things that really stood out to me.  He said we need to run toward Christ.  He also said we need to pray, spend time in the Word, and spend time in worship.  Everything else will fall into place.  The last thing Ben said was that there's nothing better than walking with the Lord and sharing the Lord with others.

Sunday morning we all got up and went to The Village Church.  After a great service and listening to Matt Chandler preach, we went to play whirlyball in Plano, Texas.  After whirlyball, Kevin and I drove back home to Missouri for Christmas break.

The College Golf Fellowship Retreat was absolutely incredible!  It was amazing to listen to Matt Chandler speak about what it means to be a Christian.  He spoke the truth and presented the Gospel to 80 college golfers.  I learned so much from listening to him, listening to others, and discussing everything in my small group.

Now that the CGF Retreat was over, I was ready to spend Christmas with my family.

We celebrated Christmas as a family, and then we celebrated Christmas with our extended family.  It was so good to see everyone!  Christmas break was going great!  I had two weeks of complete relaxation and hanging out with family.  I honestly didn't know how it could get any better.

I signed up in the fall for a conference in Atlanta, Georgia, called the Passion Conference.  My friend, Travis Hartley, is the one who told me about Passion.  In September, he asked if Stephen (another friend) and I would go with him.  I told him I would think and pray about it.  After looking at the website (268generation.com) I knew this would be something I wouldn't want to miss.  Stephen, Travis, and I signed up for the conference in late fall.

December 30th came and it was time to pack for the Passion Conference.  I packed for the 4-day conference which was scheduled for January 1-4, 2011.  Of course, I do a great job of procrastinating, so I didn't get fully packed until about 1 a.m., December 31.  We were scheduled to meet at Stephen's house around 7 a.m.  It was a short nights rest.

We met at Stephen's house where his mom fixed us a delicious breakfast.  Stephen mentioned a few weeks earlier there might be another kid joining us from his school.  When I got to Stephen's house, I realized there were two more kids who decided to go at the last minute.  There were now six of us heading down to Atlanta.

After breakfast, I was ready to go!  I had just eaten, and I was running on adrenaline from excitement and a lack of sleep.  Since I was wide awake, I decided to drive first.  We packed up the minivan, yes, the minivan, and our group of six guys began the 12 hour drive to Atlanta.

My Christmas break had already been incredible.  I had a great time at the CGF Retreat in Dallas, and I was having a great time with family.  How could it get any better?!

I have never said anything is life changing.  However, the next five days (December 31, 2010- January 4, 2011) completely changed my life.  I had no clue what God was about to do in my life, and in the lives of 22,000 other college students.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Quick Side Track

Sorry to change topics, but I really wanted to share this.  I'll get back to the story with my next post.

This morning, March 23rd, at 10 a.m., I received word that one of the professors is not returning next year.  Normally, this kind of news wouldn't bother me.  However, to me, this isn't just a typical professor.  This is someone I have really come to admire and respect.  I have looked to this person numerous times for advice.  When I heard the news that he wasn't returning, my heart sank.

At the beginning of this semester, my microeconomics teacher asked the question, "Who is your favorite teacher/professor, and why?"  I immediately knew my answer, Professor Michael Cady.

I came to school my freshman year of college not wanting to take accounting.  I took an accounting class in high school and absolutely hated it.  I was not looking forward to a semester of accounting in college.  After the first day of class my freshman year, I knew I would love it!  My professor, Michael Cady, taught with such enthusiasm and passion.  He made accounting interesting which isn't easy to do.  He cared for the students and how they performed on each test.  He assigned a lot of homework, but he definitely had you prepared for the test.  After only a few weeks, he motivated me to switch my major from business management to accounting; which is still my major.

Professor Cady has become like a mentor to me.  I have asked his advice on school, golf, and faith.  We have had many conversations which have meant so much to me.

The past 18 months has made me realize that life isn't about pursuing your dreams, or making a lot of money, or being successful.  I have always had the dream of playing golf on the PGA Tour, and if that didn't work, then I had plans of becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) where I would make as much money as possible.  When I reached the age of 65, I was going to retire from golf or accounting, and move to the Southeast (South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, or Alabama) with my beautiful wife.  We were going to buy a yacht with all the money we had saved.  Evenings would consist of taking the yacht out on the ocean and watch the sunset.  We would sip wine, and I would hold her in my arms as we watched another beautiful day come to an end.

Lately though, I have come to realize how selfish my dreams were.

I always told myself I would never get a twitter account.  My sister had a twitter account and I thought it was the most stupid thing ever.  About ten months ago I gave in.  The main reason I got a twitter was to keep up with my sister.  I never really talk to her over the phone, and facebook doesn't really allow me to see what she's doing throughout the day.  I just wanted to stay in touch with my sister.  I set up an account and started following those closest to me who had a twitter, my sister and Travis Hartley.  I also followed some of my favorite golfers like Davis Love III, Zach Johnson, and Rickie Fowler.  I immediately loved twitter.

Looking at tweets throughout the day became motivating for me.  I would see what the professional golfers were doing throughout their day.  I would see tweets like, "Just had a great workout, now off to the course for some practice."  When I saw these tweets, I would think, "Goodness, I need to work harder if I want to become a professional golfer."  Seeing their work ethic through what they tweeted motivated me to become a better golfer.

As I started following more golfers, I began to see the struggles professional golfers deal with.  I started following other Christian golfers like Aaron Baddeley, and Paul Stankowski.  I would see tweets that made me question if I really wanted to be a professional golfer.  One time Paul Stankowski tweeted this, "Can't wait for summer to come so @GinaStankowski (his wife) and the kiddos can travel with me. #BeingAwayIsGettingHarder"  Webb Simpson is another pro golfer I follow.  One of his tweets said, "Being up at 5:30am is a million times better when it's to be with your son, rather than going to tee it up. #fatherhood"  He also tweeted this once, "Two more days and I'm home!!!!  Missing momma (his wife) and James (his son)"  I began to think, "Is this what I want in the future?"

Last summer, when I began to see these tweets, I also heard the song, "Lead Me" by Sanctus Real.  I'm going to copy and paste the lyrics because they are so good...

I look around and see my wonderful life
Almost perfect from the outside
In picture frames I see my beautiful wife
Always smiling
But on the inside, I can hear her saying...

“Lead me with strong hands
Stand up when I can't
Don't leave me hungry for love
Chasing dreams, what about us?

Show me you're willing to fight
That I'm still the love of your life
I know we call this our home
But I still feel alone”

I see their faces, look in their innocent eyes
They're just children from the outside
I'm working hard, I tell myself they'll be fine
They're independent
But on the inside, I can hear them saying...

“Lead me with strong hands
Stand up when I can't
Don't leave me hungry for love
Chasing dreams, but what about us?

Show me you're willing to fight
That I'm still the love of your life
I know we call this our home
But I still feel alone”

So Father, give me the strength
To be everything I'm called to be
Oh, Father, show me the way
To lead them
Won't You lead me?

To lead them with strong hands
To stand up when they can't
Don't want to leave them hungry for love,
Chasing things that I could give up

I'll show them I'm willing to fight
And give them the best of my life
So we can call this our home
Lead me, 'cause I can't do this alone

Father, lead me, 'cause I can't do this alone

When I heard this song it started to become clear that life isn't about chasing dreams.  I didn't want my own selfish desires getting in the way of providing and being there for my family.

First, life is about serving God.  In Matthew 28, Jesus is talking to his disciples.  Verses 18-20 say this, "Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'"

Second, life is about serving others.  In John 13:34, Jesus says this to his disciples, "A new command I give you: Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another."

I love the part where Jesus says, "As I have loved you, so you must love one another."  How did Jesus love his disciples?  Jesus served, witnessed, and gave up His life for the sake of others.  This is love.  Paul also does a great job of describing love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's bad if someone plays a professional sport.  I think God blesses people with the ability to do things, but they are intended to be for HIS glory, not ours. If God's plans for me are to play professional golf, then great, I'll serve Him through golf and use the money to help others.  If His plans for me are to be a CPA, then great, I'll be a witness in the business world, and still use the money to help others.

My whole point is that we aren't here for self fame or success.  We are here on earth to love/serve God, and love/serve others.  How does this tie in with my professor?  I'll explain.

When I heard the news this morning that he isn't going to return next semester, I was really disappointed.  He is such a great teacher, and I was looking forward to taking some more classes that he teaches.  After my 10 a.m. class got over, I sat outside the class he was teaching to see if what I heard was true.  When the class got out, I went in to talk to him.  I asked him if he was leaving after this year and he said yes.  He then took the time to explain why.

He told me that his decision to leave had nothing to do with not liking where he was.  He said he loves teaching and being in the classroom with the students.  After committing it to prayer, he said he knew he had to do what's best for his family.  He said if he continued to teach, he would have to get his doctorate which would require him to travel quite a bit over the next few years.  He said he didn't want to do that to his family.  He wanted to be with his wife and kids.  To do this, he is taking another job that will allow him to be with his family more.

He also told me this, he said we don't always know what God is up to.  It is our responsibility to be obedient to where he calls us.  It doesn't always make sense, and everything doesn't always work out the way we think it will, but God is in control.  We are to be faithful and obedient to God without questioning Him.

Professor Cady has been a great example to me of what it means to follow Christ and consider others better than yourselves.  He his putting God first, and then considering the needs of his family.  I am disappointed that Professor Cady will no longer be teaching at OC, but I know he is doing the right thing.  Professor Cady is a great example to me of what it means to follow Christ.

Love/serve God, and love/serve others.